The truth is that under all our beautiful smooth skin there is a monster inside most of us. It controls our day to day lives and if you allow it, it will grow bigger and stronger by the day. Most if you already know the name of this monster....FAT!¡!¡ Yes it is a stubborn demon that is more than happy to stick with you till the day you DIE! So the question is how to get rid of it and another ugly truth is that most over weight people already know the answer to this problem. You know what to do its the simplest equation. Burn more calories than you consume. That usually means cutting your calorie intake some, and getting at least 30 mins to an hour of exercise daily and a diet of low carb high nutrient foods. So why is america so fat? There are lots of reasons for that but here are two main reasons. Reason # one Temptation. Temptation is a beast all by itself so in order for us to lose weight successfully we have to control the beast. Reason # two lack of motivation. Our lives are busy and hard at times, well most of the time you don't want to get up and exercise and and it's easy to order a pizza. You just don't have the motivation to lose weight. Sometime this week I'm going to post my idea of how to get you motivated. Plain and simple I'm not some skinny person looking down on you. No I'm a young girl that is going to document the good, bad, and ugly of my journey down the road of becoming a new person so join me. As of this morning february,13, 2012 I weigh 336. My next weigh in is this coming sunday. So I'm limiting my self to 1300 calories a day and an hour of cardio daily along with some strength training 3-4 days a week. Lets what we can get done by Sunday
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